How She Caught a Killer 2023 Lifetime Movie News | Starring Actors, Official Preview, Summary

Can Linda Murphy and her team outwit a cunning serial killer? This 2023 Lifetime movie thriller stars Sarah Drew who takes on the role of a rookie detective named Linda Murphy and Eric Keenleyside portrays her seasoned boss. Premieres September 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM East/7:00 PM Central. Streamed the next day.

This is a picture of Sarah Drew as Ellie and Eric Keenleyside starring in the 2023 movie How She Caught a Killer


In How She Caught a Killer, directed by Robin Hays and penned by writers Yuri Baranovsky and Angela Gulner, Sarah Drew shines as Linda Murphy, a fresh-faced police academy graduate. When a serial killer with a sinister interest for sex workers terrifies their community, Linda's determination to bring justice leads her to team up with the experienced detective David Goodman, played by Eric Keenleyside.

With FBI agent Neil Carter, portrayed by Jamall Johnson, they embark on an intense undercover operation, hoping to unmask the elusive murderer. Delilah Hamlin adds depth to the story as a former sex worker and aspiring nurse, whose tragic encounter sets the stage for this chilling tale of suspense and courage.

Official Preview

How She Caught a Killer Official Preview

Taken in Montana Premieres September 24

One week later on September 24, 2023 Lifetime will premiere another original thriller movie titled "Taken in Montana" starring Veronica Ramirez, Laurie Fortier, Justin Berti, and Matthew Pohlkamp.

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Author Celebrity Detective Steve

About The Author

Celebrity Detective Steve
I'm an expert at collecting fun, rare facts about celebrities. When I'm not blogging about celebrities, I do a lot of adventuring on forest trails where I photograph Florida wildlife like this big alligator in a lake (2022), and a gopher tortoise (2021) below.
Gator Close Up
Picture of Florida Gopher Tortoise

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